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Content Goals, mission and core metrics


Defining reasonable content goals is crucial for the success of any online business. It is not just about creating content; it's about creating content with a purpose. It's a roadmap that guides your efforts, ensures relevance to your audience, and contributes significantly to the growth and success of your online business.


Content Goals, mission and core metrics

Defining reasonable content goals is crucial for the success of any online business. It is not just about creating content; it's about creating content with a purpose. It's a roadmap that guides your efforts, ensures relevance to your audience, and contributes significantly to the growth and success of your online business.

Why you should define Metrics & Goals

Creating a comprehensible "Content mission", defining your Core metrics and S.M.A.R.T. Goals from the beginning on for your content marketing will save you lots of time planning your content strategy and ensure you are moving your business in a positive direction.


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Create your content mission first

Without setting up any kind of mission you may find yourself juggling too much work without anywhere to delegate.

Define clear & quantifiable S.M.A.R.T. goals

Vague goals are too obvious. "More revenue" or "More visitors" aren’t quantifiable goals. 

Use strategic & goal orientated metrics

Don't just gather numbers for the sake of gathering numbers; make them matter.

Metrics mean nothing unless you combine them with your brain. Don't just measure. Measure smart.  


  • The data gathered from your KPIs will give you a clear picture of the impact your content marketing strategy has on your overarching goals of expanding your digital reach and increasing your conversion rate.


  • They will also give you measurable information so you can make data-backed decisions about your business. ​

Define what you want to achieve with your Content


  • Start with goals related to your overall vision and mission. Long-term strategic goals should take precedence over specific operational goals in your plan. 

  • To keep your goals clear, ensure that every content piece builds toward meeting those goals and organizes them in a hierarchical fashion.


A few samples:



Strategic Direction:

Clear content goals provide a strategic direction for your online presence. They help outline what you aim to achieve with your content, ensuring that every piece created aligns with your overarching business objectives.


Audience Relevance:

Goals help you tailor content to your target audience. Understanding your audience's needs and preferences allows you to create content that resonates, engages, and builds a meaningful connection.


Measurable Outcomes:

Well-defined goals are measurable. They allow you to track and analyze the performance of your content, providing insights into what works and what needs improvement. This data-driven approach enables continuous optimization.


Resource Optimization:

Knowing your content goals helps allocate resources effectively. Whether it's time, budget, or manpower, having a clear goal ensures that resources are invested in activities that contribute directly to your business objectives.


Consistency and Cohesion:

Content goals contribute to the consistency and cohesion of your brand's voice. When everyone involved understands the goals, it becomes easier to maintain a unified message across different channels and platforms.



Goals provide a framework for adaptability. In the dynamic online landscape, being able to adjust your content strategy is essential. Having established goals allows for strategic shifts without losing sight of the overall business objectives.


Improved Decision-Making:

Content goals act as a guiding light for decision-making. When faced with choices related to content creation, distribution, or promotion, having predefined goals helps in making decisions that align with the intended outcomes.


Enhanced Focus:

Clear goals keep your team focused on what truly matters. In the sea of content possibilities, having specific goals prevents distraction and ensures that efforts are concentrated on activities that contribute meaningfully to business success.


Motivation and Accountability:

Goals motivate teams by providing a sense of purpose and achievement. They also create accountability, as progress can be measured against these goals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


Competitive Edge:

Establishing and achieving content goals sets your business apart. It demonstrates intentionality and a strategic approach to your online presence, giving you a competitive edge in the crowded digital landscape.


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